November 25-26, 2023, Zoom
International Scientific and Practical Conference "VAVILOV READINGS-2023" (Autumn) (VVRD II 2023)
Materials based on the results of the conference will be published by the Web of Conferences publishing house in the journal BIO Web of Conferences ISSN: 2117-4458 and sent for indexing to the scientometric database Scopus and Web of Science
November 25-26, 2023, Zoom
International Scientific and Practical Conference "VAVILOV READINGS-2023»
(VVRD II 2023)
Materials based on the results of the conference will be published by the Web of Conferences publishing house in the journal BIO Web of Conferences ISSN: 2117-4458 and sent for indexing to the scientometric database Scopus and Web of Science
VVRD II 2023 - The conference provides a unique opportunity for scientists, researchers, educators and practitioners to share their research and experience in engineering, biotechnology and agriculture.
1. Basic research in the field of plant and microbial studies:

1.1. Problems and achievements of modern genetics and breeding
1.2. Genomics, molecular and cellular engineering of plants and microorganisms
1.3. Study of plant genetic resources
1.4. Ecological problems of plant biodiversity

2. Modern agrobiotechnologies for ensuring sustainable development of agriculture:

2.1. Technologies for increasing soil fertility
2.2. Sustainability of agricultural agrocenoses
2.3. Protection of plants from diseases and pests
2.4. Plant-microbial symbioses
2.5. Associative interactions of plants and microorganisms in vivo and in vitro
2.6. The role of biotic and abiotic factors

3. Biotechnologies

3.1. Biodiversity of flora and fauna
3.2. Monitoring and assessment of natural ecosystems
3.3. Biologization of crop products
3.4. Industrial ecology and biotechnology of food production
3.5. Economics of ecological and biological development of the agro-industrial complex.
3.6. Biochemical engineering
3.7 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
About the conference
Сonference sections:
Note that the journal BIO Web of Conferences is now indexed in Scopus, which confirms the high quality of publications and gives them significant scientific value and allows scientists and engineers to expand their audience and increase the impact of their scientific research.

We invite all interested participants to share their scientific and practical research and experience within the framework of the VVRD II 2023 conference and look forward to a productive dialogue and interesting discussions.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Shyurova N.A., candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Department of Сrop Production, Breeding and Genetics, Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Tkachenko O.V., candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, acting Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, FSBEI HE Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Members of the Organizing committee

  1. Elkonin L.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the South-East, Chairman of the Saratov Branch of the Moscow Aviation Organization “Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders", Saratov
  2. Ryazantsev N.V., candidate of agricultural sciences, head. Memorial cabinet-museum of academician N.I. Vavilova, member of the Commission for the conservation and development of the scientific heritage of Academician N.I. Vavilova RAS, Saratov
  3. Neyfeld V.V., Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, FSBEI HE Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov
  4. Kurasova L.G., candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov
  5. Bashinskaya O.S., candidate of agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Program Committee Chair

Soloviev D.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Program Committee Co-Chair

Tikhonovich I.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the NGO “Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders", St. Petersburg

Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee

Vorotnikov I.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Work, Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov

Program committee members

  1. Gerd Weber, doctor, professor Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung, Saatgutforschung u.Populationsgenetik Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  2. Isabella Dalla Ragione, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, President of the Garden Archeology Foundation, University of Perugia, Italy
  3. Janos Molnar, doctor, EU expert, Hungary Jan Diderik Van Mansvelt, Doctor of Biological Sciences, ex-President of IFOAM, Professor at the University of Wageningen, Netherlands
  4. Hayden Berthold, doctor, director of the Institute. Keyserlink, Germany Elisabeth Beringer, EU expert, Germany Elmer Boeis, agronomist – organic farming expert, Netherlands
  5. Lupashku G.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology, Moldova
  6. Glinushkin A.P., doctor S.-kh. Sci., Professor, Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Moscow
  7. Karlov G.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Moscow
  8. Khlestkina E.K., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Acting Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Center All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilova, St. Petersburg
  9. Kudryavtsev A.M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “N.I. Vavilova “RAS, Moscow
  10. Zakharov-Gesekhus I.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Commission for the Preservation and Development of the Scientific Heritage of Academician N.I. Vavilova RAS, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute of General Genetics named after N.I. Vavilova “RAS, Moscow
  11. Dolzhenko V.I. Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher, Department of Biological Regulation of Pesticide Use, All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection Institute, St. Petersburg, Pushkin.
  12. Vishnyakova M.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Chief Leading Employee of the Department of Genetic Resources of Legumes, Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research Center All-Russian Plant Genetic Resources Institute named after
  13. N.I. Vavilova "(VIR), St. Petersburg Krupnov V.A., doctor of biol. Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Saratov
  14. Lobachev Yu.V., doctor S.-kh. sciences, professor, FSBEI HE Saratov State Agrarian University, deputy. Chairman of the Saratov branch of the NGO “Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders", Saratov
  15. Loskutov I.G., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Genetic Resources of Oats, Rye, Barley VIR, St. Petersburg
  16. Rodionov A.V., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Botanical Institute named after V.L. Komarova of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
  17. Soloviev A.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy. Director for Scientific and Educational Activities, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Moscow
  18. Temirbekova S.K., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute
Stages of accepting an article for publication
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.
In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.

Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within
24 hours.

If the article isnt written in English,
we review it within 10 days.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates.
Stages of accepting an article for publication
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.
In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.

Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within
24 hours.

If the article isnt written in English,
we review it within 10 days.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates.
Paper requirements and submission
Manuscripts that have not previously been published in other publications, have a scientific novelty, correspond to the conference topic, and are of theoretical and practical significance are accepted for consideration.
All works are blindly reviewed and
checked in the anti-plagiarism system.
The minimum originality of the article in English is 80%.

Official language of the conference: English
You can submit an article in Russian for consideration, provided that you order a translation from the conference organizer on a paid basis.
If you submit an article in English, it is checked for translation quality before reviewing it native speakers

The article must be attached when filling out the registration form.





Author Data: full name, affilation (job title), city, country and e-mail;

Abstract (from 100 to 300 words);

References (at least 10 links, including links to publications indexed
in Web of Science and / or Scopus).
Materials for publication should contain the following information:
The structure of the article
must comply with IMRAD
Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed 20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces
(including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references).

Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed 20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces
(including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references).

Papers by template
To participate in the VVRD II 2023 conference,
you must fill out the registration form and attach an article designed according
tothe template.

You can also order a template for your article from us, according to our rates
Papers by template
To participate in the VVRD II 2023 conference,
you must fill out the registration formand attach an article designed according
tothe template.

You can also order a template for your articlefrom us, according to our rates
Registration form
Please, attach your article
(The file format must match doc/docx/rtf.
The file name of the article must correspond to the last name of the corresponding author
Example: Smith.doc / Smith.doxc)
Do you need a translation of the article in English?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
Do you need design of the article according to the template?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
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