May 27-28, 2021, Yekaterinburg
VII International Conference "Safety Problems of Construction Critical Infrastructures" - SPCECI2021 ("Safety Problems of Civil Engineering Critical Infrastructures")
NOVEMBER 30, 2021

Conference materials will be published by AIP Publishing
in the AIP journal Proceedings of the conference ISSN: 1551-7616 and going to indexing
in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
May 27-28, 2021, Yekaterinburg
VII International Conference "Safety Problems of Construction Critical Infrastructures" - SPCECI2021 ("Safety Problems of Civil Engineering Critical Infrastructures")
Conference materials will be published by AIP Publishing
in the AIP journal Proceedings of the conference ISSN: 1551-7616 and going to indexing
in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science
About conference
Call for papers:
SPCECI 2020 is already indexed in the Scopus scientometric database

Link to Scopus
* Security technologies for critical infrastructures and territories, including in the Arctic;
* Modeling of loads and impacts on building structures, buildings and structures;
* Building structures;
* Problems of resilient and smart cities (smart city) and sustainable development of territories;
* Creating a comfortable urban environment;
* Energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental protection in the construction industry;
* Information modeling (BIM) technologies in the construction industry;
* Innovative construction technologies and materials;
* Education in architecture and construction;
* Expertise and management in construction;
* Engineering systems of buildings.

The problems of design, mechanics of destruction, issues of diagnostics, monitoring, maintenance, survivability and optimal management/management of infrastructure systems in the context of the creation and operation of safe, smart and resilient infrastructure systems will be considered. The issues of creating real conditions and a practical mechanism for an innovative scientific, educational and organizational breakthrough in one of the most important problems of the 21st century - ensuring the security and sustainable development of cities, territories and regions, taking into account the human factor, will be considered
Organization committees
Organization committees
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

V.A. Koksharov - Rector of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committeeам

A.V. Krupkin - Director of the UrFU Institute of Construction and Architecture;

Alekhin V.N. - Head of the Department of Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU, member of the Bureau of UTO RAASN, Adviser to RAASN, member of the Administrative Council of the Association "European Construction Education and Retraining" - EUCEET Association;

Timashev S.A. - Scientific Supervisor and Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Engineering Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer-Aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

V.A. Koksharov - Rector of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committeeам

A.V. Krupkin - Director of the UrFU Institute of Construction and Architecture;

Alekhin V.N. - Head of the Department of Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU, member of the Bureau of UTO RAASN, Adviser to RAASN, member of the Administrative Council of the Association "European Construction Education and Retraining" - EUCEET Association;

Timashev S.A. - Scientific Supervisor and Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Engineering Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Computer-Aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU

Members of the Organizing Committee:
  1. Boswell L. - Professor, City, University of London, UK, Member of the Administrative Council of the Association "European Civil Engineering Education and Training" (European Civil Engineering Education and Training - EUCEET);
  2. Fontanals I.- OptiCits, Barcelona, Spain;
  3. Gheorghe A. - Professor, Old Dominion University, USA;
  4. Lo Presti D. - Professor, University of Pisa, Italy, Secretary General of the Association "European Construction Education and Retraining";
  5. Priemets O.N. - Associate Professor, Kazakh Head Architecture and Construction Academy, Kazakhstan;
  6. Akimov P. A. - Chief Scientific Secretary of the RAASN, Academician of the RAASN, Professor;
  7. A.A. Antipin - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  8. Belyaeva Z.V. - Head of the Department "Building Structures and Soil Mechanics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  9. E.S. Guryev - Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Reliability and Resource of Large Systems and Machines" of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  10. Dolgov A.V. - Rector of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art, Head of the URALNIIPROJECT branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TSNIIP of the Ministry of Construction of Russia", member of the RAASNYU Kand. architecture, professor;
  11. Kapustin F.L. - Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Head of the Department of Materials Science in Construction, Institute of New Materials and Technologies, UrFU;
  12. Mazaev G.V. - Chairman of UTO RAASN, Academician of RAASN;
  13. Maltseva I.N. - Deputy Director for International Activities, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  14. Mashkin O.V. - Senior lecturer of the Department "Industrial, Civil Construction and Real Estate Expertise", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  15. Migalatiy E.V. - Head of the Department "Water Management and Water Technology", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  16. Naschetnikova O.B. - Associate Professor of the Department "Water Management and Water Technology", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  17. Pastukhova L.G. - Deputy Director for Science and Innovation, Head of the Department of "Hydraulics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  18. Poluyan L.V. - Director of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Reliability and Resource of Large Systems and Machines" Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of SAPROS Department;
  19. Pridvizhkin S.V. - Head of the Department of "Information Modeling in Construction", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU, Adviser to RAASN;
  20. Sekacheva A.A. - engineer of the 1st category, Department of "Hydraulics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  21. Ulrich D.V. - Director of the Architectural and Construction Institute of the South Ural State University;
  22. Fomin N.I. - Acting Head of the Department "Industrial, Civil Construction and Real Estate Expertise", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  23. Khrichenkov A.V. - Head of the Department of "Urban Construction", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU Shiryaeva N. P. - Deputy. Director of Education, Head of the Department "Heat, Gas supply and Ventilation", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU
Members of the Organizing Committee:
  1. Boswell L. - Professor, City, University of London, UK, Member of the Administrative Council of the Association "European Civil Engineering Education and Training" (European Civil Engineering Education and Training - EUCEET);
  2. Fontanals I.- OptiCits, Barcelona, Spain;
  3. Gheorghe A. - Professor, Old Dominion University, USA;
  4. Lo Presti D. - Professor, University of Pisa, Italy, Secretary General of the Association "European Construction Education and Retraining";
  5. Priemets O.N. - Associate Professor, Kazakh Head Architecture and Construction Academy, Kazakhstan;
  6. Akimov P. A. - Chief Scientific Secretary of the RAASN, Academician of the RAASN, Professor;
  7. A.A. Antipin - Associate Professor of the Department of Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  8. Belyaeva Z.V. - Head of the Department "Building Structures and Soil Mechanics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  9. E.S. Guryev - Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Reliability and Resource of Large Systems and Machines" of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Computer-aided Design of Construction Objects", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  10. Dolgov A.V. - Rector of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art, Head of the URALNIIPROJECT branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TSNIIP of the Ministry of Construction of Russia", member of the RAASNYU Kand. architecture, professor;
  11. Kapustin F.L. - Deputy Director for Research and Innovation, Head of the Department of Materials Science in Construction, Institute of New Materials and Technologies, UrFU;
  12. Mazaev G.V. - Chairman of UTO RAASN, Academician of RAASN;
  13. Maltseva I.N. - Deputy Director for International Activities, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  14. Mashkin O.V. - Senior lecturer of the Department "Industrial, Civil Construction and Real Estate Expertise", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  15. Migalatiy E.V. - Head of the Department "Water Management and Water Technology", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  16. Naschetnikova O.B. - Associate Professor of the Department "Water Management and Water Technology", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  17. Pastukhova L.G. - Deputy Director for Science and Innovation, Head of the Department of "Hydraulics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  18. Poluyan L.V. - Director of the Scientific and Engineering Center "Reliability and Resource of Large Systems and Machines" Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of SAPROS Department;
  19. Pridvizhkin S.V. - Head of the Department of "Information Modeling in Construction", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU, Adviser to RAASN;
  20. Sekacheva A.A. - engineer of the 1st category, Department of "Hydraulics", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  21. Ulrich D.V. - Director of the Architectural and Construction Institute of the South Ural State University;
  22. Fomin N.I. - Acting Head of the Department "Industrial, Civil Construction and Real Estate Expertise", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU;
  23. Khrichenkov A.V. - Head of the Department of "Urban Construction", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU Shiryaeva N. P. - Deputy. Director of Education, Head of the Department "Heat, Gas supply and Ventilation", Institute of Construction and Architecture of UrFU
Stages of accepting an article for publication
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.
In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.
Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within 24 hours.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates.
Этапы принятия статьи к публикации
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.
Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within 24 hours.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates.
Paper requirements and submission
Manuscripts that have not previously been published n other publications, have a scientific novelty, correspond to the conference topic, and are of theoretical and practical significance are accepted for consideration.
All works are blindly reviewed and checked in the anti-plagiarism system.
The minimum originality
of the article in English is 80%.

Official language of the conference: English
You can submit an article in Russian for consideration, provided hat you order a translation from the conference organizer on a paid basis.
If you submit an article in English, it is checked for translation quality before reviewing it native speakers

The article must be attached when filling out the registration form..





Author Data: full name, affilation (job title), city, country and e-mail;

Abstract (from 100 to 300 words);

References (at least 10 links, including links to publications indexed
in Web of Science and / or Scopus).
Materials for publication should contain the following information:
The structure of the article must comply with IMRAD
Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed 20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces (including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references)
Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed 20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces (including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references)
Papers by template
To participate in the SPCECI 2021 conference,
you must fill out the registration form and attach an article designed according
to the template.

You can also order a template for your article rom us, according to our rates.
Papers by template
To participate in the SPCECI 2021 conference,
you must fill out the you must fill out the and attach an article designed according
to the template

You can also order a template for your article rom us, according to our rates..
Conditions and cost of participation in the conference
Acceptance of applications under these conditions is over
Acceptance of applications under these conditions is over
This rate is currently active
Early registration
Arrangement fee:
160 €
  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.01.2021 - 30.03.2021
  • Additional information:
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 90 €
  • Design of the article on the template:
    20 €
Standart registration
Arrangement fee:
180 €
  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.04.2021 - 31.05.2021
  • Additional information:
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 100 €
  • Design of the article on the template:
    25 €
Late registration
Arrangement fee:
300 €
  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.05.2021 - 30.11.2021
  • Additional information:
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 110 €
  • Design of the article on the template:
    30 €
Conditions and cost of participation in the conference

Acceptance of applications is over

Early registration
Arrangement fee:
160 €

  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.01.2021 - 30.03.2021
  • Additional information:
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 5900 руб
  • Design of the article on the template:
    1500 руб

Acceptance of applications is over

Standart registration
Arrangement fee:
180 €

  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.04.2021 - 31.05.2021
  • Additional information
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 6900 руб
  • Design of the article on the template:
    2000 руб

This rate is currently active

Late registration
Arrangement fee:
300 €

  • Dates of sending articles:
    1.05.2021 - 30.11.2021
  • Additional information:
  • The cost of translation into English:
  • 100 €
  • Design of the article on the template:
20% discount on participation of a foreign author in your article*
* author with a foreign affiliation (from ANY country other than the Russian Federation)

The registration fee is paid only after the publication is accepted into the conference proceedings,
but no later than March 30, 2021 for "Early registration",
no later than May 31, 2021 for "Standard registration"
and no later than November 30, 2021 for "Late registration".
You can use any payment system that is convenient for you.
Please note that if the registration fee is not received within the established time limit Your report will not be published.
Registration form
Select the form of participation in conferences:
Paper Title in English
Paper Title in Russian
Full name of the corresponding author
Organization of the corresponding author
Enter your contact e-mail
Enter your contact phone number
Please, attach your article
(The file format must match doc/docx/rtf.
The file name of the article must correspond to the last name of the corresponding author
Example: Smith.doc / Smith.doxc)
Do you need a translation of the article in English?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
Do you need design of the article according to the template?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
Contact us:
+7 (343) 382-555-1
WhatsApp, Telegram
+7 (999) 340-555-1
Contact us:
+7 (343) 382-555-1
WhatsApp, Telegram
+7 (999) 340-555-1