April 5-6, 2021, Yekaterinburg, Russia
International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security (INFSEC 2021)
April 5-6, 2021, Yekaterinburg, Russia
International Scientific and Practical Conference on Computer and Information Security (INFSEC 2021)
INFCES 2021 – is a good opportunity to share experiences, modern knowledge and the achievementsin the field of information security and Internet of Things Security.
* Methods and means of information protection, information security
* Software and hardware information protection
* Technical means of information protection
* Legal and organizational issues of information security
* Cryptographic methods and means of information protection
* Security of telecommunication systems
* Internet of Things Security
* Issues of professional education in the field of information security
About conference
Call for papers:
The purpose of the conference:
is to discuss and predict future trends in the information security, exchange advanced knowledge in the field
of information protection.
The conference is designed to maintain a high scientific level of discussion about the digital economy and management trends, methods of its study and development, involving in this process qualified experts , representatives of science, business and government.
Important Dates
Paper Submission:
December 1, 2020 (expired)
Authors Notification:
December 25, 2020 (expired)
Camera Ready and Registration:
January 31, 2021 (expired)
Organization and programm committees
Organization committee - Programm committee
Dr. Maria Ciurea, University of Petroșani, Petroșani, Romania

Dr. Radu Stanciu, PhD, University Politehnica, Romania

Dr. Ştefan Ţălu, Assoc. Prof. PhD., The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Dr. Sagintaeva Saule, Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Kazakhstan

Dr. Zhanbayev Rinat, Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev, Kazakhstan

Dr. Egemberdiyeva Saule, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan

Dr. Suleimenov Ibragim, Ph.D., The National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dr. Juraeva Adolat, Tajik State National University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Dr. Nedosekin Aleksey, St. Petersburg Mountain University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr. Lavrov Vladimir, Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Dr. Nazarov Dmitry, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Dr. Arvind R. Yadav, Ph.D (IIT Roorkee) Image Processing, Parul University, India

Dr. Subhankar Das, Duy Tan University, Vietnam

Dr. Anand Nayyar, Ph.D (Computer Science), professor, researcher and scientist in Graduate School, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam

Dr. Davood Askarany, Ph.D, Business School, Accounting and Finance, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Mohammad Ali Khoshkholghi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Karlstad University, Sweden

Dr. Pongsak Rattanachaikunsopon, Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani 34190, Thailand

Dr. Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, PhD, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan-si, Republic of Korea

Dr. Felix J. Garcia-Clemente, University of Murcia, Spain

Cand. of Sc., Kulikova Elena, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Cand. of Sc., Dolzhenkova Elena, Ural Federal University, N. Tagil, Russia

Keynote Speakers
Information Security of the Internet of Things
Dr. Ştefan Ţălu, Assoc. Prof. PhD., The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
At present, the impact of "computer-computer" interaction on functional reliability of the systems that ensure the well-being of society is of great theoretical and practical interest. There is the need for high-quality data protection of the Internet of Things in connection with the fastest-growing user demand for such the technology as the Internet of Things. The article discusses the most important issues related to information security of the IoT and indicates ways of addressing the needs identified
Information Security Aspects in a Smart City
Nazarov Dmitry, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The article considers the specifics of the functioning of smart cities in terms of ensuring their security. Typical risks and vulnerabilities of large settlements of the digital future are mentioned. The key aspects of the process of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability of socially and economically significant information are identified. The ways of solving certain problems of protecting the infrastructure of modern smart megalopolises are outlined.
Digital Citizenship and the Student's Digital Footprint: Questions of Application, Promotion and Data Protection
Zhanbayev Rinat, Rectorate, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Named after Gumarbek Daukeev
The digital transformation of the state also implies digital citizenship, and learning with the use of digital technologies leaves a "digital footprint" of the student on the Internet. During the period of self-isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the problem of data protection of education participants has significantly worsened. For the purposes of this study, we have reviewed the literature of recent years, reflecting the results of various studies, including national ones, focused primarily on identifying the conditions for the implementation of "digital citizenship" and the reasons for the decline in the quality of education, combined with the problems of protection of students' personal data. "Digital citizenship" is a set of competencies of a citizen and the actions of the state in ensuring equal access to digital information and the protection of citizens in digital communication. The implementation of distance learning in the period of COVID-19 reveal ed the problems of inequality of students in terms of access to information, as well as the lack of digital competencies in learning and ensuring its security, the weak readiness of "digital citizens" to effective use of their digital citizenship.
Conference Program
April, 5-6
08:00 – 08:30
Conference Opening
08:30 – 09:00
Information Security of the Internet of Things
Dr. Ştefan Ţălu, Assoc. Prof. PhD., The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
09:00 – 09:30
Information Security Aspects in a Smart City
Nazarov Dmitry, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
09:30 – 10:15
Digital Citizenship and the Student's Digital Footprint
Zhanbayev Rinat, Rectorate, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Named after Gumarbek Daukeev
WorkShop (Information Security)
Revolutionary Direction of Secured Supercomputer Technologies Development in Russia
Andrey S. Molyakov
Digital Citizenship and the Student's Digital Footprint: Questions of Application, Promotion and Data Protection
Iskandar Mukhametzyanov
AI Generated Fake Audio as a New Threat to Information Security: Legal and Forensic Aspects
Elena I. Galyashina and Vladimir D. Nikishin
Informal Methods and Means of Information Protection in Enterprise Information Security
Mikhail Skorev , Irina Kirishchieva and Anna Zhigunova
Prerequisites for Improving Information Security of the Enterprise
Mikhail Skorev , Nikolay Shevkunov and Anna Zhigunova
Development and Implementation of the NTRUEncrypt Public Key Cryptographic System
Elena A. Revyakina , Larisa V. Cherckesova and Elena A. Menshenina
Research of the Possibilities of Conducting XSS-attacks and Methods of Countering It
Pavel Razumov , Larissa Cherckesova and Olga Safaryan
Formation of Competencies in the Information Security and Information Protection Field within the Framework of the Federal Project "Human Resources for the Digital Economy"
Elena V. Chernova and Andrei S. Dokolin
Information Security of Digital Communication: How to Stay Safe?
Vladimir D. Nikishin and Elena I. Galyashina
Building Competencies in the Information Security Field for Future Bachelors of Applied Computer Science
Elena V. Chernova , Irina V. Gavrilova and Marina V. Romanova
Information Security in Banks
Yulia V. Evdokimova , Elena N. Egorova and Olga V. Shinkareva
Formalization of the Structural-functional Synthesis Problems of Information Security Systems
Vitaly V. Gryzunov and Vyacheslav G. Burlov
Probabilistic Analysis of an Impact of Information Security on Standard Process Performance in a Life Cycle of Systems
Anna A. Chebotareva , Natalia G. Kazantseva and Ekaterina S. Vologdina
Managing the Process of Ensuring Information Security based on the Law of «Preserving the Integrity of the Object»
Daria A. Ukraintseva , Vyacheslav G. Burlov and Vitaly V. Gryzunov
Analysis of the Level of Training in the Basics of Information Security of Students of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov
Laura A. Smagulova , Shynar M. Asylbekova and Nabira S. Yermekova
Research of Social Engineering Mechanisms and Analysis of Counteraction Methods
Vyacheslav Yu. Evglevsky , Michael M. Putyato and Alexander S. Makaryan
An Approach to Identifying the Process of Implementing a Distributed Denial of Service Attack based on a Probable Graph Model
Dmitriy A. Bachmanov , Michael M. Putyato and Alexander S. Makaryan
Information Security in the System of Economic Security of Companies
Tatiana O. Grafova , Irina R. Kirishchieva and Ekaterina V. Gomeleva
Model of Integration of Cyber Defense Exercises (CDX) in the Process of Training an Information Security Specialist in University
Zinaida V. Semenova , Natalya A. Moiseeva and Elena V. Tolkacheva
A Method for Determining the Credibility of Intrusion Detection based on a Probabilistic Graph Model in the Proactive Protection Subsystem of the Operational Cybersecurity Center
Andrey R. Ocheredko , Michael M. Putyato and Alexander S. Makaryan
14:30 - 15:00
Conference Finally
Stages of accepting an article for publication
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.
In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.
Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within
24 hours.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates .
Stages of accepting an article for publication
Registration process
You fill out the registration form and attach your article to this site.
Technical verification
Automatic article verification takes 48 hours.
In case of refusal, we will send it to You for revision.
Review process
If the article is written in English, the quality of the English language is checked within 24 hours.
Approval and payment
After passing all the stages of verification when your article is approved, you make a payment according to the rates .
Paper requirements and submission
Manuscripts that have not previously been published in other publications, have a scientific novelty, correspond to the conference topic, and are of theoretical and practical significance are accepted for consideration.
All works are blindly reviewed and
checked in the anti-plagiarism system.
The minimum originality of the article in English is 80%.

Official language of the conference: English
You can submit an article in Russian for consideration, provided that you order a translation from the conference organizer on a paid basis.
If you submit an article in English, it is checked for translation quality before reviewing it native speakers

The article must be attached when filling out the registration form.






Author Data: full name, affilation (job title), city, country and e-mail;

Abstract (from 100 to 300 words);


References (at least 10 links, including links to publications indexed in Web of Science and / or Scopus).

Materials for publication should contain the following information:

The structure of the article must comply with IMRAD
Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed 20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces (including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references).

Please note, that the number of authors must not be more than three, he number of articles that the author may publish in one issue must not be more than two

The volume of the article should not exceed
20 000 - 30 000 characters with spaces (including the title, full name of the authors, the text of the article and references).

Papers by template
To participate in the INFSEC 2021 conference,
you must fill out the registration form and attach an article designed according
the template.

You can also order a template for your article from us, according to our rates
Papers by template
To participate in the INFSEC 2021 conference,
you must fill out the registration form and attach an article designed according
to the template.

You can also order a template for your article from us, according to our rates.
Registration form
Select the form of participation in conferences:
Paper Title in English
Paper Title in Russian
Section Name
Full name of the corresponding author
Organization of the corresponding author
Enter your contact e-mail
Enter your contact phone number
Please attach your article
Do you need a translation of the article in English?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
Do you need design of the article according to the template?
(Prices can be found in the pricing plans)
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+7 (343) 382-555-1
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+7 (999) 340-555-1
Contact us:
+7 (343) 382-555-1
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+7 (999) 340-555-1