The review procedure:
Manuscripts that have not previously been published in other publications, have scientific novelty, are relevant to the theme of the conference and are of theoretical and practical significance are accepted for consideration.
All works undergo a blind review procedure by at least two reviewers - experts in the field of research.
Review criteria:
1. Does the article contain enough new material to warrant publication?
2. Is the article scientifically sound and not misleading?
3. Does the article have a general introduction?
4. Is the article clearly written, concise and understandable?
5. Do the topic and writing style correspond to the quality of Web of Conferences publications?
6. Is the volume of the article sufficient?
7. Should handwritten text in Russian/English be edited?
8. Will the article have interest and influence in the scientific community?
The organizer bears full responsibility and authority to accept the article for publication or reject it. However, the final decision is made by the Publisher. The editors of Web of Conferences have equal authority not to accept an article due to too low quality or non-compliance with the rubric.
If you send an article in English, then before reviewing it is checked for the quality of translation by native speakers